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Deca 300mg/ml 10ml

Deca 300mg/ml 10ml


Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) Its one of the most popular steroids in existence and still being used today. There is a reason why people turn to deca over other steroids

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Nandrolone decanoate is a parenteral anabolic steroid. It is primarily used to treat anaemia, chronic renal failure, osteoporosis and AIDS-associated wasting syndrome. This agent is known to increase haemoglobin and red cell mass.

With the development of recombinant human erythropoietin, nandrolone decanoate use in anaemia associated with chronic renal failure has declined. It has also been the subject of drug misuse and abuse, often producing adverse effects such as changes in libido, hepatotoxicity, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and antisocial behaviour. Some of the masculinizing effects in women can be irreversible. Nandrolone decanoate was approved by the FDA in 1983 and became a controlled substance in 1991.


Mechanism of Action: 

Nandrolone decanoate shares the actions of endogenous androgens such as testosterone. Exogenous androgens such as nandrolone decanoate promote protein anabolism and stimulate appetite which results in a reversal of catabolic processes and negative nitrogen balance. Increases in lean body mass in patients with cachexia (e.g., malnourished dialysis patients) and decreased bone resorption and increased bone density in patients with osteoporosis are often noted. Blood glucose, erythrocyte production, and the balance of calcium are also affected by androgens. Increased erythrocyte production is apparently due to enhanced production of the erythropoietic stimulating factor. Patients with anaemia associated with renal disease will have increases in red blood cell volume and haemoglobin after receiving nandrolone decanoate.

Since nandrolone decanoate has actions similar to endogenous androgens, administration of nandrolone decanoate has the possibility of causing serious disturbances of growth and sexual development if given to young children and causing unwanted adverse effects in women. Exogenous androgens suppress gonadotropin-releasing hormone, thereby reducing the gonadotropic function of the pituitary through a negative-feedback mechanism. This results in a reduction of endogenous testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. Exogenous androgens may also have a direct effect on the testes. Reversible increases in low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and decreases in high-density lipoproteins (HDL) also occur.


Contraindications and Precautions: 

  • Your health care provider needs to know if you have any of these conditions: breast cancer; diabetes; heart disease; kidney disease; liver disease; prostate trouble; an unusual or allergic reaction to nandrolone, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives; pregnant or trying to get pregnant; breastfeeding. You will need to have blood work done while you are taking this medicine. This drug may affect blood sugar in patients with diabetes.
  • Nandrolone decanoate injections are administered intramuscularly only. Do not inject via intravenous administration. Nandrolone decanoate contains benzyl alcohol. Do not use this formulationin patients with benzyl alcohol hypersensitivity.
  • Androgen therapy (such as nandrolone) can result in loss of diabetic control and should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus. Close monitoring of blood glucose is recommended.
  • Nandrolone decanoate is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy because of probable adverse effects on the fetus (FDA pregnancy category X).
  • Nandrolone decanoate can stimulate the growth of cancerous tissue and should not be used in male patients with prostate cancer or breast cancer. Patients with prostatic hypertrophy should be treated with caution because of the possible development of malignancy.
  • Androgens (such as nandrolone) can induce osteolysis and should be used with caution in patients with hypercalcemia. Androgen-induced hypercalcemia occurs especially in immobile patients and those with metastatic breast cancer.


Adverse Reactions/Side Effects: 

  • Change in sex drive or performance; diarrhoea; hair loss; headache; trouble sleeping. This list may not describe all possible side effects. Allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue; breast lump; breathing problems; changes in mood, especially anger, depression, or rage; change in voice; dark urine; increase in facial hair; irregular menstrual periods; acne, nausea, vomiting; stomach pain; swelling in ankles or legs; trouble passing urine or change in the amount of urine; yellowing of the eyes or skin.
  • Menstrual irregularity can occur with nandrolone decanoate therapy in females.
  • When androgens (such as nandrolone) are given to women, virilization, manifested by acne, hirsutism, clitoromegaly, male pattern baldness, reduced breast size, and deepening of the voice or hoarseness, can occur. If treatment is discontinued when these symptoms first appear, they usually subside. Prolonged treatment can lead to irreversible masculinity, so the benefit of treatment should be measured against the risk.


How is this medication best taken? 

Nandrolone Decanoate is typically administered via an injection into the muscle. It is usually given by a healthcare provider in a hospital or clinic setting. If you get this medicine at home, you will be taught how to prepare and give this medicine. Use exactly as directed. Take your medicine at regular intervals and do not take your medicine more often than directed. It is important that you put your used needles and syringes in a special sharps container: do not put them in a trash can.


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