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DNP-MAX DINITROPHENOL 200mg 50 capsules

DNP-MAX DINITROPHENOL 200mg 50 capsules


  • Substance: DNP (2,4 – Dinitrophenol)
  • Dosage: 50 Capsules

DNP 200mg 50 capsules

DNP is an exceptionally potent metabolic stimulator and thermogenic agent. Given its recent application as a dietary aid and its historic use as a pesticide very little reputable information is currently available for this compound but its effects are extreme. The Soviet Union, however, recognized a quite valuable use for DNP. For soldiers under conditions of extreme cold, DNP administration could increase their body heat production.

The mechanism of action of DNP can best be described using the analogy of cars or trucks with manual transmissions, DNP essentially works like keeping the clutch slipping all the time. The engine (the mitochondria) may be putting out a lot of power, burning gas rapidly, and generating a lot of heat, but much of the power is not getting to the wheels. Instead, its going into heating the clutch. Obviously, one ordinarily slips the clutch for only short period of time but with DNP, the clutch (proton gradient) of the cellular machinery is made to slip all the time. The result: A lot of heat production, and a lot of fuel burned. And not that much energy actually making it into productive use.

More specifically speaking, DNP induces proton leakage from the mitochondria, causing them to have to burn more fuel to yield the same amount of ATP in the cell, or even perhaps less ATP than normal.

Packaging: 90 capsules in a sealed bottle.
2,4-dinitrophenol USP 50mg
Excipients q.s.

Dosage & administration:

Half life
36 hours
100 -300mg per day cycled on a 5 days on 2 days off protocol
Average Cycle Length
As long as required or can be tolerated
Anabolic #
Androgenic #
Oral Bioavailability
Estimated at 85%
CAS Name
DNP, Solfo Black


Aminoallyl-dUTP – Dinitrophenol, DNP-11-dUTP

5-(3-Aminoallyl)-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-triphosphate, labeled with Dinitrophenol, Triethylammonium salt.

We have carved a niche amongst the most dominant names in this domain, instrumental in manufacturing and supplying an excellent quality range of DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) Capsules from New Delhi, India. In order to deliver a flawless lot of products, we keep it in safe and secure place. We have developed all the in-house storage unit wherein we keep it to prevent from damaging factors.

DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) Capsules Specification

Physical Form



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