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Primo E 150mgdd/ml

Primo E 150mgdd/ml


  • Age Group: Adult
  • Usage/Application: Muscle Building
  • Packaging Size: 10 ml
  • Strength: 150 mg
  • Form: Liquid
  • Brand: Anabolic Monster
  • Quantity Per Pack: 10 ml
  • Packaging Type: Box

Primo E 150mg/ml

Primobolan is a wonderful anabolic androgenic steroid. It was introduced in 1962 and continues to be a well-known favorite today. It was introduced at that time under the trade name of Nibal and Nibal Depot as both an oral and injectable product. By the 1960s, it was no longer manufactured by any of the USA pharmacies. The production has all taken place in pharmacies located in Germany since that time. Primobolan Depot is an injectable product while Primobolan is the oral version.

It is one of the very populer anabolic steroids used by athletes and body builders. It is stated that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself used this during his bodybuilding days, and he was one of the best during his prime. Of course, a person would have to work very hard to get the same physique as he did at that time, but it is possible with the right diet and workout. Adding Primobolan Depot doesn’t hurt the results either!

Another reason Primobolan is extremely popular is due to the safety rating it has. When you compare it to other anabolic steroids, it is at the top of the overall safety elements. Since it is mild, both men and women can use it successfully. It has been used medically too in children for various needs. This includes those that are underweight and even for boosting the immune system of preemies.

Primobolan is used in medical realms to help boost the immune system of those with muscle wasting diseases such as AIDS/HIV. It can also be a useful treatment for sarcopenia and osteoporosis. In some instances, it has been prescribed to fight hepatitis and carcinoma.

This anabolic steroid isn’t going to promote large gains like some of the other options out there. Males often use it as a basis to help them stack on top of it. They do find it to be more efficient than the oral alternative. The reason it is so widely used for performance enhancement is it helps to speed up the healing process and to reduce joint pain.


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